Days 5 & 6: First border crossing, Salzburg
I visited my friend Regina in Mühldorf and spent the night of day 4 there. In the morning, we cycled a few meters together before saying goodbye.
I spent day 5 together with my friend Michael relaxed in Neuötting. We made a great Lasagne. In the morning we even had a Weißwurst Frühstück. Danke für den entspannten Nachmittag und morgen, Michi!
The clicking noise is gone. I oiled the Tretlager (engl. bottom bracket) with very fluid oil that got to the right spot.
I followed the Salzach until Salzburg. On the way I met Andi, a fellow solo bike packing cyclist. He knew his way around Salzburg and showed me the best Bosnas of Salzburg.
I headed off into the Salzkammergut region. When I stopped at Hof in the evening, Marion noticed that I'm on the way for a bit longer and invited me to put up my tent in their garden near Fuschl. Marion showed me Fuschl See, where we met her husband Sepp who is a well traveled cyclist and avid sportsmen. Sepp shared plenty off valuable recommendations, tips and stories with me. When we got to their house Marion cooked a fantastic dinner which we enjoyed at a small river close by, where Marions and Sepps son Julian joined us for a beer.
Marion, Julian, Sepp: ich danke euch von ganzem Herzen für den unvergesslichen Abend an eurem schönen Plätzchen. Ich hoffe euch nach meiner Rückkehr auf dem Sonnenhof begrüßen zu dürfen!