Days 1 & 2: Franken - finding my rhythm
I did 4 multi day bike tours before I started this one. Only one was a solo ride, with only one overnight stay. So a lot of the stuff that comes with being a solo biker on a long tour are still new to me.
There are things like cooking, finding a good spot for camping, setting up the tent - all of which I started out rushing through. I'm now realizing that I do not have to rush them. There is so much time for making progress on the road and those bits are just as much part of the journey as the pedaling.

There are thoughts that pop into my head. This can be organizational stuff like planning when to do what today. There is worrying about finding a good camping spot. Thoughts about planned adventures with friends (sailing and ski touring). Thoughts about close family and friends - things we said or did and things we want to do or how our future could look together.
There is being present. Sometimes the trigger is external: I noticed a majestic bird circling over a field. I stopped and observed how it used it's tail wing for steering. From time to time I set my intent on being present. I then come back to simple things: I felt the temperature of the air, the wind caressing my hands. I noticed how my legs felt after going up a steeper section.
And there is simply riding my bike. Today was a great cycling day. Clouds and sun, nice cities and calming nature. Bayern is very beautiful!