Days 14 to 19: Croatia - I adapt to cycling in the heat
On day 14 I woke up and was amazed by the beautiful Croatian coastline shimmering in the morning sun.
When I packed my bike, I noticed that I had a flat back tire. I fixed it with a patch. So far the patched tube seems to work🤞
I cycled down to the coast. After a little breakfast I continued on a spectacular road along the Adriatic sea.
I rode the ferry to Pag.

I stopped in Camp Šimuni, which was my worst camping experience so far, mostly because loud music was playing in the middle of the camping place until 23:00 and it was directly at a big street where cars drove all night but also because I already noticed that I'm not recovering as good as usual. So after a bad night, I left at 7:30. I have not done much cycling in the days that followed. Days 15 and 16 were really bad. On both days I felt like my blood sugar level and cardio vascular system crashed and I stopped cycling after a few hours and just lay around in the shadow for hours and occasionally got up to take a cold shower or get more sugary drinks from a shop.

On day 16 I stopped in Golubić at a small camping ground that is run by Snezana and Mio, a very sweet Serbian couple and their daughter Mia. The three did everything they could for bringing me back on my feet and even invited me to a dinner. I started for two nights and slowly got back my energy. Mia, Snezana and Mio I am deeply thankful for your help and wish you all the best for the future!

The road from Golubić to Knin was a relaxed ride in the beautiful Croatian Hinterland.

I woke up to stomach issues and a sore throat on Day 18. I decided to ride to Knin and checked into an Apartment with a small kitchen and AC. This is where I'm at right now. I got everything I need for recovering and will take my time to do so.