Days 40 to 42: Turkey
On Day 40 I get my bike fixed and cycle.
I cross the border to Turkey on Day 41. Shortly before that, still in Greece, I stop at a fuel station to get a drink and meet Thanos, the attendence. We chat about the heat, vacations in Germany and growing up. I cross the Turkish border, which is the first strongly secured one. I am happy to have gotten so far. After my first of many kebab, I set up camp close to Ipsala.
The next day ends in Tekirdag, where I find a beautiful spot overlooking the city. It's the first time I sleep in my hammock on this trip.
I start early on Day 43. In fact it's so dark I have to rely on my lamp for evading potholes. I am really motivated and go fast.
I eat a soup 20 km from my hostel and think I'll be there in an hour. Ha! It takes me roughly 3 hours. The traffic is overwhelming. The climbs are steep and I can not go fast on the downhill sections. So I average 7 km/h on those last 20 km. And then ... I'm there. I stand on the bridge in Istanbul.
I see the blue mosque and Topkapi palace. My hostel is another 5 minutes. I take a shower and eat. In the evening I go to bed. I'm the morning I wake up. I'm still in Istanbul. Wow! I made it.