Days 7 to 9: Steiermark & Graz
Day 7 had the most magnificent views so far. A highlight for me was Wolfgangsee and cycling through the Rettenbach Klamm.
In the evening I noticed a farmer on his hay field. He permitted me to put my tent up on his field with a great view on the Grimming and the surrounding mountains.
On day 8 I woke up to rain and had to pack in my tent wet for the first time. Luckily the train stopped 30 minutes into my ride. I continued to Trofaiach. I mostly followed the R15 towards Sankt Michael.

In Trofaiach I stayed with Agnes and Karl, the lovely grandparents of my close friend Eric. Vielen, vielen Dank für eure Gastfreundschaft. Es hat mich sehr gefreut euch wieder zu sehen!
On day 9 I followed the Murradweg (R2 cycle route) to Graz. The first half was a pleasure to ride. The second half was so-so until the beautiful city of Graz.