Moving back to the farm

When Johanna and I moved into our flat in Bonn, my stuff fit into a Hyundai Santa Fee. Over time things accumulated: I brought the electronic piano and a sitting bag from the farm, we bought a dinner table and a sofa. More and more small stuff accumulated. We always joked about how much harder moving out would be compared to moving in.
We moved out last weekend. The moving out part was simple. I put the smaller stuff into big card boxes and disassembled the furniture. Then friends came over and we carried everything down. We had Pizza together while we waited for my sister to arrive with a car and trailer.

Then one last round through the flat and onto the Autobahn. It's my second time moving away from Bonn.
Now I am living at the farm again. Half my stuff went into the basement, the other half into my room, which was so full of boxes, that there were only small paths between the door, the bed and the window. After I assembled two Billy-Regale, and put my racing bike onto the wall, the chaos is at a manageable level again.

I have been looking at power racks for some time and thought about getting one for the farm. I have one that I welded myself five years ago but it does not have proper safety bars and is too high to put into the basement, which I prefer for the winter time. Friday morning I find a rack on Kleinanzeigen. I visit the guy who is selling it in the afternoon and come back on Saturday evening to pick it up and we talk about lifting weights, illness, recovery. On Sunday the two of us are on our bikes, driving through the forest and chatting. The air is cool, some clouds are in the sky. I arrive back at the farm a bit before 18:00 but the sun is already gone and the moon shines behind clouds and it's dark. The tacho reads 45km.
I'll have to clean up the basement before I can put up the new rack. For now I can still train with the old setup.