Midsummer Sail prep including our shopping list for 10 days at sea

Midsummer Sail prep including our shopping list for 10 days at sea

My first regatta, Midsummer Sail 2024 is getting closer and closer. The start date is midsummer - 21st of June - but I actually leave for Flensburg in two days already, since we have to prepare the boat and bring it to Wismar, where the regatta starts.

I feel well prepared equipment and knowledge wise. Since I mostly sailed in nicer weather so far, I ordered a pair of rubber boots for sailing and a sailing overalls. Together with the rain jacket I got last year, I should be relatively comfortable, also in rougher conditions. I refreshed right of way rules and practiced some knots. Given that we the skipper and the other two crew members are very experienced (having all been on at least one Ocean, two owning boats), I am sure I will pick up a lot and will improve on the little I know about sailing very fast.

Shopping list for 10 days at sea

I sat down and wrote a shopping list for our crew of 4. We plan with 10 days of food. We hope we will be a bit faster, but we don't want to suffer from bad mood because of bad food on the last day of a long race.

Today I created our shopping list:

I don't have any experience calculating food rations for longer times at sea, so I used to rules of thumbs for calories from carbohydrates and whatever was mentioned in the recipes we collected.

If might upload what we ended up buying and how it worked out for us. Let's see. For now I can just say I am excited to get started. ⛵️