The bike trip ended, the journey continues

As I mentioned in the last post I enjoyed writing this travel blog. Now that my bike trip ended I'll continue writing about what's going on in my life, books that I learned from and whatever I'm up to at the moment. To reflect the broader area of topic I changed the name of this blog from "I like cycling" to my name.
This is my first blog post since I arrived back home. I had a couple of other firsts since then. Here is a bit about them.
In the two weeks after my return from Istanbul, I prepared for a Sprint Distance Triathlon race in Alzenau. I knew I could do the 20km cycling, so I focused on learning how to swim the crawl and building the strength in foot tendons and muscles for running 5km in barefoot shoes. I failed to learn the crawl before the race because I did not get to the point where I was calm enough in the water to main my breathing rhythm. I ended up swimming the 550m with breast stroke in 13min. Cycling took me 42min. Running in barefoot shoes worked out very well and took around 23min. The race experience was great. Of course I was completely exhausted directly after the race. The race-high morphed into an awesome feeling of relaxation and proudness after a few hours.

A few days after the race my cousin, his wife, their little daughter and I traveled to Flensburg for a one week sailing trip. We enjoyed five sunny days with a bit less wind than we would have liked. However the 6th day was rainy with a strong breeze (up to 25kn) which made for great sailing.

Today is the last day of my sabbatical. It's amazing how long and short three months can feel. I exactly remember the day I left Großostheim, it could've been yesterday. But there are also thousands of memories from the journey. Times when I struggled with the heat or was afraid of bears in North Greece.
I'm very much looking forward to what's ahead of us at meshcloud and pushing things forward that are bigger than my 34kg bike+gear. Having been away from the team for 3 months now suddenly feels like an eternity.
Keep it going!